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Goods from China

 83199566_tovaruy_iz_KitayaIt is well-known that in a world factory in China one can find any product of any quality and for attractive price. You have a little left to do – purchase, prepare for export, transport the goods and perform customs clearing. Our company is ready to assist you in any of these steps. You choose the goods, give us its full description, dimensions, weight and other transport parameters. We prepare cost calculations according to the transport type of your choice as well as customs clearance costs in Russian Federation. You choose the transportation option based on transportation deadline and goods value and we proceed with work.

Our representative accepts the cargo (goods quality control upon request), picks the cargo up to the warehouse for subsequent cargo processing (shipment consolidation/demarcation, palletising, containerization, repacking or overpacking). Cargo delivery by aircraft takes about 4-6 days. Multimodal transportation consisting of e.g. sea + railroad, takes about 40-45 days.